Cantata for New Year's Day
(Weihnachts-Oratorium IV)
Fall with thanks, fall with praise
BWV 248-IV
Event: Cantata for New Year's Day
1st Performance: January 1, 1735 - Leipzig
Readings: Epistle: Galatians 3: 23-29; Gospel: Luke 2: 21
Text: Christian Friedrich Henrici (Picander); Luke 2 : 21 (Mvt 2) ; Johann Rist (Mvts. 3, 5, 7)Chorale Texts: Jesu, du mein liebstes Leben Hilf, Herr Jesu, laß gelingen
Click to read a brief commentary by Simon Crouch.
Christmas Oratorio - Cantata for New Year's Day - performed by:
Click for explanation.
Unfortunately there is no one recording available for universal, free online listening:
Rilling - 2
Soprano: Sibylla Rubens; Alto: Ingeborg Danz; Tenor [Evangelist]: James Taylor; Tenor: Marcus Ullmann; Bass: Hanno Müller-Brachmann; Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart / Bach-Collegium Stuttgart; Helmuth Rilling conducting; 2nd recording of Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248 by H. Rilling. Recorded live at Liederhalle Stuttgart, Beethovensaal, Germany. (NML search: CD92.076 ) (CML search: BWV 248 Rilling)
1) Rilling - 1
Soprano: Arleen Augér; Alto: Julia Hamari; Tenor: Peter Schreier; Bass: Wolfgang Schöne; Echo-soprano: Christa Muckenheim; Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart / Bach-Collegium Stuttgart;
Helmuth Rilling conducting; 1st recording of Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248 by H. Rilling. Recorded at Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart, Germany.
(NML search: CD94.010)
3) Wilhelm
Soprano: Krisztina Láki; Alto: Gisela Pohl; Tenor: Karl Markus, Bass: Berthold Possemeyer; Stuttgarter Hymnus-Chorknaben / Ensemble '76 Stuttgart; Gerhard Wilhelm conducting. (NML search: CD94.031)
4) Suzuki
Soprano: Monika Frimmer; Counter-tenor: Yoshikazu Mera; Tenor: Gerd Türk; Bass: Peter Kooy; Bach Collegium Japan; Masaaki Suzuki conducting. (NML search: BIS-CD-941-42)
5) Christophers
Soprano: Lynda Russell; Contralto: Catherine Wyn-Rogers; Tenor: Mark Padmore; Bass: Michael George; Soprano [Angel, Echo]: Libby Crabtree; The Sixteen Choir and Orchestra;
Harry Christophers conducting. (NML search: COR16017)
6) Oberfrank
Soprano: Ingrid Kertesi; Alto: Judit Németh; Tenor: Jozsef Mukk; Bass: Janos Tóth;
Hungarian Radio Chorus / Failoni Chamber Orchestra; Géza Oberfrank conducting.
(NML search: 8.550428-30)
"Beethoven on Demand" (BOD) members click here to login before clicking to listen. Be sure to complete the login by clicking on "Click to enter Beethoven On Demand."
La Bibliothèque nationale du Québec (BNQ) card-holders login when prompted after they click to listen.
To listen to the entire cantata or an individual movement, click on underlined conductors' names.
To listen to the entire cantata for the New Year's Day:
BNQ - NML: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
BOD: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
To listen to individual movements:
[36] 1) Chorus [S, A, T, B] Corno da caccia I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo
BNQ - NML: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
BOD: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
Fallt mit Danken, fallt mit Loben
Fall with thanks, fall with praise
Vor des Höchsten Gnadenthron!
Before the throne of mercy of the Highest!
Gottes Sohn
Will der ErdenIs
Heiland und Erlöser werden,
The saviour and redeemer of the world,
Gottes Sohn
The son of God
Dämpft der Feinde Wut und Toben.
subdues as the rage and fury of the enemy
[37] 2) Recitative [Tenor] Continuo
BNQ - NML: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
BOD: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
Und da acht Tage um waren,
And when eight days were passed
dass das Kind beschnitten würde,
And the child was to be circumcised
da ward sein Name genennet Jesus,
He was given the name Jesus
welcher genennet war von dem Engel,
as he had been called by the angel
ehe denn er im Mutterleibe empfangen ward.
Before he was conceived in his mother's body
[38] 3) Recitative [Bass] and chorale[Soprano] Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo
BNQ - NML: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
BOD: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
Immanuel, o süßes Wort!
Emmanuel, O sweet word!
Mein Jesus heißt mein Hort,
My Jesus is my refuge,
Mein Jesus heißt mein Leben.
My Jesus is my life,
Mein Jesus hat sich mir ergeben,
My Jesus has given himself to me,
Mein Jesus soll mir immerfort
My Jesus shall constantly
Vor meinen Augen schweben.
Hover before my eyes,
Mein Jesus heißet meine Lust,
My Jesus is my delight,
Mein Jesus labet Herz und Brust.
My Jesus refreshes heart and breast
Jesu, du mein liebstes Leben,
Jesus, you who are my dearest life,
Meiner Seelen Bräutigam,
My soul's bridegroom,
Komm! Ich will dich mit Lust umfassen,
Come ! I will embrace you with delight
Mein Herze soll dich nimmer lassen,
My heart will never leave you
Der du dich vor mich gegeben
Who gave himself for me
An des bittern Kreuzes Stamm!
On the bitter beam of the cross!
Ah ! Then take me to yourself
Auch in dem Sterben sollst du mir
Even in dying you shall be
Das Allerliebste sein;
What I love best;
In Not, Gefahr und Ungemach
In distress, danger and affliction
Seh ich dir sehnlichst nach.
I gaze at you with longing.
Was jagte mir zuletzt der Tod für Grauen ein?
How at last should death strike me with terror?
Mein Jesus! Wenn ich sterbe,
My Jesus! When I die
So weiß ich, dass ich nicht verderbe.
Then I know that I shall not perish
Dein Name steht in mir geschrieben,
Your name written within the
Der hat des Todes Furcht vertrieben.
Has driven away the fear of death.

BNQ - NML: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
BOD: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
Even the tiniest seed
Jenes strengen Schreckens ein?
Nein, du sagst ja selber nein. (Nein!)
No, you yourself say (No!)
Sollt ich nun das Sterben scheuen?
Shall I now be afraid of death?
Nein, dein süßes Wort ist da!
No, your sweet word is there!
Oder sollt ich mich erfreuen?
Or should I rejoice?
Ja, du Heiland sprichst selbst ja. (Ja!)
Yes, you my saviour say it yourself (Yes !)
[40] 5) Recitative [Bass] and Chorale [Soprano] Violino I/II, Viola,Continuo
BNQ - NML: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
BOD: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
Wohlan, dein Name soll allein
Well then, your name alone
In meinem Herzen sein!
Shall be in my heart
Jesu, meine Freud und Wonne,
Jesus, my joy and delight,
Meine Hoffnung, Schatz und Teil,
My hope, treasure and share
So will ich dich entzücket nennen,
This is what I shall call you in my delight,
Wenn Brust und Herz zu dir vor Liebe brennen.
For my breast and heart burn with love for you.
Mein Erlösung, Schmuck und Heil,
My redemption, my adornment and salvation,
Doch, Liebster, sage mir:
Then, my beloved, tell me:
Wie rühm ich dich, wie dank ich dir?
How can I praise you, how can I thank you
Hirt und König, Licht und Sonne,
Shepherd and King, light and son,
Ach! wie soll ich würdiglich,
Ah ! How can I worthily
Mein Herr Jesu, preisen dich?
My Lord Jesus, give you praise?
[41] 6) Aria [Tenor] Violino solo I/II, Continuo
BNQ - NML: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
BOD: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
Ich will nur dir zu Ehren leben,
I shall live only to honour you,
Mein Heiland, gib mir Kraft und Mut,
My saviour, give me strength and courage
Dass es mein Herz recht eifrig tut!
So that my heart may do right eagerly
Stärke mich,
Strengthen me
Deine Gnade würdiglich
So that I may worthily
Und mit Danken zu erheben!
And thankfully extol your grace!
[42] 7) Chorale [S, A, T, B] Corno da caccia I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo
BNQ - NML: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
BOD: Rilling-1; Rilling-2; Wilhelm; Suzuki; Christophers; Oberfrank
Jesus richte mein Beginnen,
Jesus, guide my beginning,
Jesus bleibe stets bei mir,
Jesus, stay with me always,
Jesus zäume mir die Sinnen,
Jesus, curb my inclinations,
Jesus sei nur mein Begier,
Jesus, be my sole desire,
Jesus sei mir in Gedanken,
Jesus, be in my thoughts,
Jesu, lasse mich nicht wanken!
Jesus, do not let me waver!
The German Text: http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~wfb/bach.html. The English Translation is by Francis Browne: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Intro.htm. Both used by permission.